Art International’s silver department deals with a wide array of modern and antique silver, sacred or domestic purpose, of Italian or foreign make.

Among the most interesting pieces proposed at the auction held June 6th 2020, we can find many pieces belonging to the prestigious bolognese silverware firm Stefani, some of which have been published on the monographical volume “Enea Stefani, autobiografia”. Furthermore, there were also works by celebrated houses such as: Tiffany, Cartier, Fabergè, Paul Revere, Gorham, Boulsover, William Comyns, John Round.

All precious objects are carefully selected by our experts, who trace their history and individuate period, style, marks and silversmith in order to better value them and offer them to both Italian and foreign buyers. Art International guarantees the right value to every object.

Do you want to give value to your silverware? Contact us for a free evaluation.
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